Company news
Route Odessa-Tel-Aviv with 39 dogs and 45,000 fry as cargo on its aircraft
10 September 2020Mordechay Rozenberg, performed a flight on the route Odessa-Tel-Aviv with 39 dogs and 45,000 fry as cargo on its aircraft.
Нові напрямки: Нюрберг та Тель-Авів
7 May 202007.05.2020 буде здійснено перший рейс за маршрутом Львів-Нюрберг-Львів, а з 10.05.2020 – Львів-Тель-Авів-Львів.
"ELERON" conquers Europe
5 February 2020"ELERON" is the only Ukrainian airline that connects with freight flights Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ireland with Ukraine.
Ukrainian cargo aviation company "Eleron" conquering Europe.
16 January 2020Aviation company Eleron is the first Ukrainian company to do domestic transportation and which created a freight network to connect all cities with more than one million of population.